September 7, 2024

54. Game Club: Tenebra


Diego and Andy set afoot alone in the darkness of this mysterious and ominous game, armed only with a torch and good sight in order to escape the intricate puzzles on offer in Tenebra, a multiplatform game by Haplo.

Moving braziers, hammers, keys and crumbling doors are only some of the items you will encounter. Get ready for some brain-wrecking puzzle that won't hesitate to leave you in the dark...

Join the crew to find out more of this incredibly crafted puzzle game!

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  • Tenebra

    Tenebra is a fascinating puzzle game that cleverly combines minimalistic aesthetics with challenging mechanics. Set in dark dungeons, the game limits the player’s movement to areas illuminated by light sources, adding an intriguing layer of strategy. The ability to carry a torch that lights your path allows for tactical exploration, but obstacles such as walls, doors, and cracks that block movement without dropping the torch require careful planning. The game also includes elements like crumbling arches and light-activated sensors that further enhance the complexity of the puzzles.

    Despite its simple black-and-white visuals, Tenebra excels in creating an immersive atmosphere, especially with its eerie background sound design on platforms like the Amiga. The game progressively introduces new mechanics, such as movable braziers and rail systems, ensuring that players remain engaged without being overwhelmed. With 70 levels across its two installments, Tenebra strikes a balance between accessibility and challenge, making it a rewarding experience for puzzle enthusiasts.