A frantic platformer on the Commodore VIC-20, Cheesy Trials by Andy Hewitt (Hewco) involves racing against a strict five-second timer to guide a mouse through rapidly changing levels and collect each piece of cheese. No enemies chase the player, but platforms shift, ladders reappear, and routes alter unpredictably. The layout of every stage demands quick thinking and dexterity, pushing players to discover clever tricks such as dropping off ladders at just the right moment. Three distinct areas—Tests of Intelligence, Dexterity, and Luck—each present 12 levels that require trial-and-error learning, sometimes forcing the player to choose cheeses in the correct order to avoid making a puzzle unsolvable. Originally designed under tight constraints for a game development competition, it runs smoothly within the VIC-20’s limited memory, revealing how carefully planned each challenge is. Minimalist graphics, a mouse sprite formed from two separate characters, and simple but effective platform drawing techniques create a vintage aesthetic. Free to download or purchase on tape, it demonstrates how time pressure and thoughtful level design can lead to a gripping retro experience.